The Ordinary Moments #2

The Ordinary Moments #2

It was such a manic week for us last week with Shayla’s 4th birthday party and the in-laws staying. I am involved in so much social-action my mum is always telling me off (not because she’s against bettering our community, because I’m heavily pregnant). We are so busy all the time, and to be honest it means when I am still, and at home I’m pretty shattered and need to rest which isn’t ideal for Judah. As I’ve said before though, there wasn’t much I could do with him as I can’t get down to his level. Taking him places and letting him interact why other people and be sociable that way seems to have been the best I could do for him anyway. Well, now we have a car and I can take him places that is all about him so I’m looking forward to that.

This photo was taken on the morning of Shayla’s birthday. We were all just getting ready before the girls headed off to dance with the in-laws and I had to clean the house ready for her party. I took all the children downstairs to give them breakfast whilst the rest of the house was still dormant and decided to let Judah feed himself his cereal. It was the sweetest thing. He just felt like one of us, he had his bowl full of milk and Cheerios (I know… bad mum alert as they have sugar, he’s so thin though I figure what’s the harm? So long as I brush his teeth and it’s not too regular….. *excuses).

Well, there was no splashing the milk, tipping over his bowl, he just say there in his high chair and ate them all. At 14 months I have to say, I was so proud of him. May be pathetic to others out there but to me these ordinary moments are what life is all about. My little boy is growing up and there are still so many things I will get to watch for the first time. I love him so much.

Here’s Judah eating his Cheerios


